TOP HEART TREATMENT FACILITY IN DELHI

About Us

At INDIRA MEDICAL TOURISM Cardiology Center, we accept that medicinal services should be actually that-care of your wellbeing, and avoidance and treatment of ailment as well as in furnishing you with a superior personal satisfaction.

Our main goal, in this manner, is to give progressed, experimentally approved diagnostics and therapeutics accessible to support ladies and men feel and look as sound as conceivable as they become more established.

Our patients get an extensive evaluation of their wellbeing in each major physiological and biochemical framework — and afterward a custom fitted program is made to slow, and at times, invert the sickness procedure just as moderate the way toward maturing.

We treat incessant degenerative illnesses like Ischeamic coronary illness, Coronary Artery Disease, Parkinsons, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Senile Dementia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer's, as likewise maturing scatters like, perimenopause, menopause, andropause (male menopause — low testosterone).

We utilize the standards of Preventive Cardiology (blood vessel freedom treatment/chelation treatment), Ozone treatment, Bio-indistinguishable Hormone Replacement treatment (BHRT), way of life change, diet the board and nourishing enhancements utilizing nutraceuticals, enemies of oxidants and nutrients.

One realizes that there is no solution for the greater part of the previously mentioned infections and nor do we guarantee a fix yet in the event that one can live well in spite of having the malady than we have accomplished our goal.

The INDIRA MEDICAL TOURISM Cardiac Center likewise has offices like Intravascular Ultrasounds, FFR, OCT(Optical Coherence Tomography), Rotablaters, Electrophysiology, Intra-aortic inflatable siphon and so on. As of late Cardiac Center has been doing a great deal of work in ASD/VSD/PDA terminations non-intrusively, where openings in the heart are fixed without open-heart medical procedure.

The heart place has accomplished in excess of 100000 angiographies, 90000 angioplasties, and 50000 cardiovascular medical procedures including sidestep medical procedures. Countless Pacemakers have likewise been embedded.

There are in excess of 100 beds devoted to Cardiac maladies, which incorporate condition of-workmanship 36 had relations with Coronary Care Unit planned and working under veteran cardiologist.

We have directed an enormous number of live Cardiology Workshops from India to Singapore, Paris, Vietnam, and London. Cardiovascular Center is genuinely worldwide as we have patients from Dubai, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Orlando(USA) and so on. Ruby Hall Clinic is additionally perceived in postgraduate preparing in cardiology and is bolstered by Pune University and National Board of India. DNB understudies originate from all over India for preparing in cardiology.



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